 〈« we live in a time when people say that, outside of us, everyone’s free of the old burdens. but if you ask me, they just wind up manifesting in new and bizarre ways. »〉
Emanant Aspect
20 Repitonian Solar Sweeps
Gender Identity
He/She/They (Nonbinary)
Screen Name
Typing Style
Speaks in all lowercase with normal punctuation unless he's using his chucklevoodoo, which they switch to all caps for. Surrounds messages in brackets "〈« like this »〉".
Strife Specibi
Fetch Modus
Sterco Exurdo - Kismesis / Matesprit (Bonded. Deceased.)
The World's Heel ♫
Vilcus Cendum is a secondary troll in Vast Error. His associated alchemic sigil is Hot Fire, which is worn on the lapels of their vest. One of their horns is broken off while the other is shaped and angled like a triangle with a piercing at the end of it. Her Mirthamaniac face paint is reminiscent of a skull.
Vilcus was formerly a high ranking member of the Mirthamaniacs, outclassing Pozzol Broyer. They were known for being an announcer for carnage matches between the cult members and the lowbloods they round up to murder. Vilcus' chucklevoodoo influences ecstasy and adrenaline in others, using this to excite the crowd whenever he's doing commentary on matches. Despite this position, Vilcus wasn't allowed freedom in her commentary, as she's assigned scripts to follow much to her displeasure.
They've left the cult after the murder of their redblood bondmate Sterco after the help of Taz in covering for them. Vilcus hasn't made an appearance since, though they are still alive.
The name Vilcus may be derived from the word Vilicus, which means "servant". Cendum comes from "incendium", a Latin word for fire, conflagration, and fervor, both as a connection to their alchemic sigil and their ecstasy chucklevoodoo/psyop.
Personality and traits
Tazsia Poemme
After Taz's scream in the arena, Vilcus visits her and offers her something to vent her anger into, that gift being the Ferocity Weaver. They were sympathetic towards her and allowed her to be honest when the rest of the Mirthamaniacs didn't allow her that agency, and recognized her being forced into the position she's in as wrong. Because Vilcus couldn't exactly get Taz out without causing a dangerous uproar, they offered to cover for her so that way she can still be with her friends outside of the cult. This continued for two sweeps until Sterco, Vilcus' bondmate, was kidnapped and murdered by Pozzol. In the aftermath, Taz helps them escape the Mirthimaniacs by faking their death. They held a fairly close and trusting relationship, one that may be considered familial in nature, heavily contrasting Taz and Pozzol's abusive relationship.
Pozzol Broyer
Vilcus is implied to have been part of the Mirthamaniacs longer than Pozzol, making him a senior to Pozzol, with him referring to them as "an elder brother". The two have a strong disliking for each other due to their vast difference in morals and for the fact that Vilcus was helping Taz. Pozzol ends up killing her bonded matesprit as means of getting rid of them, all while being extremely cruel in the process, with a desire to remember this moment for Vilcus to remember as well.
Sterco Exurdo
Sterco is Vilcus' deceased bondmate. Initially a kismesisitude, the two of them were vacillating between flushed and pitch. After Vilcus helped Taz, Pozzol killed him. He's implied to be the person Vilcus was talking about with Taz when stating that chucklevoodoos don't work on those one's close with and having friends the Mirthamaniacs would want to get rid of.