Sestro Enthal
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∞senses as keen as yours are rare to come by, and while i’m sure we could repair any damage done to either of us, time is at a premium at the moment. i need you in prime form, so please do take care of yourself going forward.
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Mind | ||||
Age |
10 Repitonian Solar Sweeps | |||
Gender Identity |
He/Him (Male) | |||
Status |
Alive | |||
criterionsFissure | ||||
Speaks with proper grammar and syntax, entirely lower case. Prefixes all lines with "∞". | ||||
Relations |
The Executive - Ancestor
Hamifi Hekrix - Matesprit (Bonded.) | |||
Music |
Kid Business ♫ | |||
Sestro Enthal is a secondary troll in Vast Error. His associated alchemic sigil is Sublimation.
In Sestro's trollodex entry, his bullet points are listed as:
- overthinks before he acts
- created to carry dead weight
- he's ready for a change, but the world isn't
The word 'sestro' means relating to or located on the left side. This may connect his analytical nature, as the left brain is believed to be associated with logical thought. Sestro also can mean inauspicious or ominous, or 'fate' and 'habit' if used as a noun. 'Enthal' when translated from German, means 'contained'.
Sestro Enthal is the heir to Corporate, destined to take control and lead Repiton. He was created after the Executive's health declined greatly.
In Snowbound Blood
Sestro was first seen inside of his office, a phone held to his ear as he nods along to Calder's rant of his late shipments. As Secily shoots the window of his own office, he ends his call with Calder and turns off the alarm. He then gives her an assignment to retrieve the cargo that contains The Vivifier's blood that was stolen by her followers.
He also instructs her to capture the culprits behind the assassination of the three trolls that was in charge of delivering it to the Corporate, counting on her to accomplish her given assignment.
During Vast Error
Act 2
Sestro was first seen in his office, staring at something with his matesprit, Hamifi, was standing behind him.
He's later seen discussing with Rodere about keeping the Executive, Sestro's ancestor, alive, with Rodere breaking the news it's practically impossible. Sestro also talks about not being ready for his position. Their conversation is interrupted by Hamifi, informing that Operation Snowbound Blood was put down too soon, referring to Ellsee Raines appearing in Stronghold 21.
Post EOA2
Looking up at one of the pillars placed for Ellsee's entry in Stronghold 21, Sestro starts panicking and asking Hamifi for reassurance. She leads him back into the Repiton Corporation's headquarters and into the elevator to go visit the Executive. In the elevator, Sestro talks to Hamifi about his worries on taking on the responsibility of becoming the CEO. Hamifi asks Sestro wether he's willing to accept the responsibility, and Sestro asks to let himself prepare as the two walk down the hallway.
The couple walk further down the hallway, walking past the remains of what seems to have been Secily's office. Having mistaken Secily's hung coat for Secily herself, Sestro freaks out, telling Hamifi he swore he saw her. Hamifi tells him he's not the only one looking for her and the two carry on. As they approach the Executives office, Sestro lets his emotions out one more time, confirming he's ready for responsibility, yet unsure of what he'll become.
Let inside by Rodere, Sestro questions her about some sort of procedure before meeting the Executive, but Rodere states that there's no need anymore and that she's got other clients.
Upon meeting the Executive, he confirms the abilities of lime blood , alongside Ellsee's existence, and talks about the importance of Ellsee and Arcjec Voorat, alongside the other Aspect Holders. The Executive orders Sestro and Hamifi to contact Ellsee and Arcjec after the ceremony with the assistance of The Principal, alongside mentioning Occeus Coliad and Calder Kerian being part of the aforementioned Aspect Holders. The Executive apologizes for not being there in either Sestro's or Hamifi's upbringing before dismissing Hamifi to have a one-on-one talk with Sestro
Sestro and the Executive talk briefly about their lives and plans for the future, Sestro asking on how to know wether he's doing the right thing. The Executive says there shouldn't be a right thing, and that what people are is what they make of themselves, before reaching out his hand towards Sestro. As Sestro takes his hand, the Executive transfers 144 sweeps of his memories to Sestro's mind with Mind alchemy . The executive talks about Sestro now being able to avoid the same mistakes as himself while Sestro processes all the memories, right before the Executive passes away right in front of him
As Sestro leaves the Executive's room, blinded by all the new memories and visions, he gets lead to Hamifi standing outside of the headquarters by staff. He gets jolted awake by Hamifi, claiming he doesn't remember anything from the Executive's passing to being next to Hamifi. She requests Sestro that he doesn't keep secrets from her before the two walk to make a public announcement. The announcement on stage is interrupted by Turnin Kaikai, Sestro's moirail, as to which they're promptly dragged away and scolded by Hamifi while Sestro tries to settle everyone down.
In the announcement, after apologizing for the interruption, Sestro begins to explain the unplanned suddenness of the announcement in the first place and does a speech about the impossibility of Corporate existing in the first place, before announcing the proposal of dissolving it. Sestro gets interrupted by Edolon Vryche, claiming that everyone heard what was needed, and walks on the stage as Hamifi attempts to stop him. Sestro starts to recognize Edolon during this. After Edolon reveals himself to the public, he tries to pressure Sestro into revealing the corpora on his palms. While Hamifi tries to defend him, Sestro gives in and shows his palms to everyone. Cue [S] Incursion.
In [S] Incursion , Sestro and Hamifi fight Edolon, but Sestro ends up getting knocked out by Edolon's Doom alchemy abilities and passes out. Sestro wakes up in his mind, greeted by a cognitive projection of the Executive, who starts scolding Sestro about losing the battle, saying he should've used better techniques with what he's got. The Executive loosens up and admits he was a bit harsh about that, saying what Sestro did was optimal in the situation, to which Sestro rebukes there are go upsides when there are many trolls now dead at the fault of the Executive. Sestro tells him that he's never been there for him, but the Executive claims, that biologically, both of them are always intertwined.
Act 3 Act 1
A few moments after, Sestro wakes back up, utilizing his Mind alchemy to fight Edolon again. As Edolon strikes towards Sestro, Sestro enters The Abyss - Edolon's mind. In The Abyss, Sestro attacks Edolon with the memories of the Executive, which send both of them out of The Abyss. The extreme usage of his Mind abilities makes him faint again, and nearly gets killed by Edolon before he gets distracted by Hayyan Refero.
With everyone let go by Edolon, the remaining trolls alive are round up and driven to the Eidolic Acres by Necron Exmort, alongside a fainted Sestro held by Hamifi. His body is carried off and put inside of the barn for recovery.
Personality and Traits
Sestro tends to get stressed easily and is capable of sending himself into a coma. He has a determined mindset to make Repiton a better place for everyone but tends to stress about how to make this vision possible. His psyop is the ability to visualize things he's recollected in painstaking detail. and sort through memories.
Hamifi Hekrix
Hamifi is Sestro's bonded matesprit. She and Sestro are stated to be literally made for each other. They both care for each other and love each other very much. and Hamifi is very prepared to assist Sestro when he is out of commission, wether it be physically or mentally. They work off of each other in this way to keep corporate afloat. They were both raised together and are very close.
Rodere commissioned his hatching after the Executive's health declined. She's implied to have taken care of Sestro during his comas. Sestro seems to care for her because she is mentioned a few times in relation to who Sestro finds important, but they don't seem to have a close or personal relationship with each other.
The Executive
Sestro is the direct descendant of the Executive who was absent for most of Sestro's upbringing. It's said they've only interacted for a limited amount of times, and Sestro is taken aback by the sudden non formal or casual interaction they briefly share before the executives passing. They're early on interactions are described as quick encounters that either lead to a vague sense of dread, or for photos. Sestro wants the executive to be proud of him for his work, which usually leads Sestro to overwork himself.
Turnin Kaikai
Turnin is the moirail of Sestro Enthal. Turnin cares a lot for Sestro and they feel grateful that he helped bring them where they are today with their popularity. Its also stated that Turnin never misses any of Sestro's hosted events.
Edolon Vyrche
Edolon was the heir of corporate before Sestro was arranged to inherit corporate. Edolon absolutely despises Sestro and sees him as the symbol of power Edolon lost. Sestro knows Edolon through the memories he inherited through the executive, but they have barely met and met for the first time during incursion. Sestro is implied to think that Edolon is unstable and dangerous. It is also implied they have an interesting familial relationship due to being direct descendants from both Holistic Blight and The Executive.
Secily Iopara
Secily was like a caretaker to Sestro and practically raised him and Hamifi. Sestro wishes he could have more casual and personal conversations with Secily, but they usually don't go very far. Sestro cares about Secily and worries for her health. During vast error Sestro is implied to often think he sees Secily around corporate, mainly in her old office. and he checks in there for her often because curiosity gets the better of him often. Its evident that he misses her and is implied he went into a coma after her passing.
- His would-be classpect is Heir of Mind.
- He has dimples.
- He is canonically Autistic
- He likes legos or building blocks, and you can see he's made stronghold 21 out of legos in his office in volume 1 of snowbound blood.
v·d·e Trolls | |||||
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Fuchsiabloods | |||||
Special / Unknown |
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