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 =jus:t: wha:t:s your angle freakazoid=
Gender Identity
Screen Name
Typing Style
All lowercase. Prefixes and suffixes every message with "=". Replaces T's with ":t:".
Linole Pomace - Moirail
Vellia is a secondary troll in Vast Error. Her associated alchemic sigil is Vinegar.
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Personality and Traits
Vellia seems to have a naturally standoffish personality and is generally a pain to be around. She used to be close with Turnin Kaikai and Racren Innali before the band broke up, but their relationship seems to have soured, and only continues to worsen as she continues to harass her ex-bandmates.
As seen when speaking with Ellsee Raines, her disposition stays rather heated even when talking to strangers- Odd and mysticism not withstanding.
Turnin Kaikai
Vellia's ex-bandmate. Turnin says that Vellia resents them for becoming famous without her. They also talk about her passive aggressiveness and attempts to guilt trip them for their fame. They tend to leave her on read a lot.
Racren Innali
Vellia's ex-bandmate alongside Turnin. Not much of their previous relationship is known, but the bad blood still clearly lingers.
Linole Pomace
Vellia's ex-bandmate and moirail. Not much is known about their relationship.