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my name is zehanpuryu.
i would like to consider myself a friend, and i am here to help you prepare for your journey.
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First Appearance DCRC icon.png


Denizen of Breath




Land of Mirage and Monochrome


Zehanpuryu ♫
Air Exchange ♫




Zehanpuryu is the denizen of Breath, and the patron denizen of Arcjec Voorat, the Bard of Breath.


Zehanpuryu gets his name from an angelic prince who guards a hall within the seventh heaven. The name means "this one sets free".[1]



Zehanpuryu's first indirect appearance is during Arcjec's entry. He manifests as a huge gust of wind which appears after Arcjec opens the mysterious box. This ends up destroying the side of Arcjec's hive and in a huge gust, blows Arcjec towards the portal as he enters himself.

Land Creation

After Arcjec awakens in the game, he appears, and in a powerful convergence of wind he transforms before the Breath player and shows Arcjec his true self. Arcjec—terrified and bewildered after the mayhem that lead up to his entrance into the game—simply laughs hysterically at the sight of denizen, which the denizen imitates awkwardly. After some back and forth between the two and after Arcjec calms down slightly, Zehanpuryu introduces Arcjec to the game and its purpose, pledges himself as Arcjec's guide, and beckons the troll to find him again when he is stronger. He inserts himself within the Breath plaform and changes the blank planet around them into the newly formed Land of Mirage and Monochrome.

Personality and Traits

Zehanpuryu is a soft-spoken, friendly and even comical denizen. As is expected of any denizen, he is deeply wise and keenly aware of Arcjec's destiny as a Bard of Breath, but appears to be down to earth and sociable.


Arcjec Voorat

Zehanpuryu appears to be fond of his designated player, Arcjec, and expects great things from him. He tries to establish some comradery between himself and Arcjec, despite Arcjec having been deeply agitated at the time. Arcjec is mostly bewildered and slightly terrified of the dragon-like denizen, but doesn't seem to inherently dislike the creature.


v·d·e Vast Error Characters
Page of Heart Heart.png Rogue of Mind Mind.png Bard of Breath Breath.png Heir of Light Light.png
Silver.pngSova Amalie Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Tin.png Jentha Briati
sanguineAllegory [SA] gigantisDebilitation [GD] acerbicMorphosis [AM] furbishFacilitated [FF]
Mage of Life Life.png Seer of Hope Hope Outline.png Witch of Doom Doom.png Knight of Space Space Outline.png
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Copper.png Albion Shukra Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
existereOracle [EO] demiurgeQuantified [DQ] pliableDecadence [PD] windlessArtificer [WA]
Prince of Blood Blood.png Sylph of Rage Rage.png Thief of Time Time.png Maid of Void Void.png
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Platinum.png Taz Poemme Lead.png Murrit Turkin Iron.png Calder Kerian
macabreExude [ME] perniciousOverkill [PO] unclaspedKahuna [UK] grandioseSaturation [GS]
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix Acid.png Racren Innali Digest.png Turnin Kaikai
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Fusion.png Seinru Narako Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Glass.png Talald Hieron
Corpus Black.png Weird Al Hulk Hogan
Heart.png Jegudial Mind.png Forcas Breath.png Zehanpuryu Light.png Af
Life.png Lilith Hope Outline.png Bathkol Doom.png Sorush Space Outline.png Haniel
Blood.png Wormwood Rage.png Azbogah Time.png Gusion Void.png Procel
Scathing Sharper Defrauding Dealer
Hustle Bones Charmed Defalcator
Exonerated Executor
Ancestors · Lusus · Rogi

The Dead Shufflers Time.png
White Noise · Mimesis · Kheparia · Gaiaeon

Minor Characters