Racren Innali

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Racren Innali
Racren Innali.png
{If I have to weather you listing off increasingly unbelievable farces, then you're at least going to do it while hearing how exhausted and flabbergasted i am} DCRC icon.png
Introduction DCRC icon.png First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Emanant Aspect


Gender Identity

He/Him (Male)



Screen Name


Typing Style

Circumfixes his text with "{" and "}". Surrounds his words with <- and -> for emphasis.


Turnin Kaikai - Matesprit


Solar Radiation ♫
BONUS: Coronal Mass Ejection [Beta  ♫]




Racren Innali is a secondary troll in Vast Error. His associated alchemical sigil is Acid.


Racren is currently a worker that lives on the Black Moon. Before he began working there, he had participated in a bi-sweep band event with a friend.

Personality and traits

Racren is someone who is headstrong and devoted, though as described by Turnin he can be quite stubborn at times.


Turnin Kaikai

Turnin is Racren's matesprit. The two seem to be very close as tabloids notice when Racren doesn't show up to Turnin's livestreams.


Vellia is one of Racren's former bandmates. Racren seems to care about her as he has a photo of her and himself on his wall.


  • Racren runs a Filler account under the username @racreninnali.
  • Before working on the black moon, Racren had black hair, which is indicated by the photos on his wall DCRC icon.png.
  • Racren can play the drums DCRC icon.png and guitar DCRC icon.png.
  • Turnin says that Racren has a "washboard DCRC icon.png", meaning that he has abs.



v·d·e Vast Error Characters
Page of Heart Heart.png Rogue of Mind Mind.png Bard of Breath Breath.png Heir of Light Light.png
Silver.pngSova Amalie Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Tin.png Jentha Briati
sanguineAllegory [SA] gigantisDebilitation [GD] acerbicMorphosis [AM] furbishFacilitated [FF]
Mage of Life Life.png Seer of Hope Hope Outline.png Witch of Doom Doom.png Knight of Space Space Outline.png
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Copper.png Albion Shukra Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
existereOracle [EO] demiurgeQuantified [DQ] pliableDecadence [PD] windlessArtificer [WA]
Prince of Blood Blood.png Sylph of Rage Rage.png Thief of Time Time.png Maid of Void Void.png
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Platinum.png Taz Poemme Lead.png Murrit Turkin Iron.png Calder Kerian
macabreExude [ME] perniciousOverkill [PO] unclaspedKahuna [UK] grandioseSaturation [GS]
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix Acid.png Racren Innali Digest.png Turnin Kaikai
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Fusion.png Seinru Narako Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Glass.png Talald Hieron
Corpus Black.png Weird Al Hulk Hogan
Heart.png Jegudial Mind.png Forcas Breath.png Zehanpuryu Light.png Af
Life.png Lilith Hope Outline.png Bathkol Doom.png Sorush Space Outline.png Haniel
Blood.png Wormwood Rage.png Azbogah Time.png Gusion Void.png Procel
Scathing Sharper Defrauding Dealer
Hustle Bones Charmed Defalcator
Exonerated Executor
Ancestors · Lusus · Rogi

The Dead Shufflers Time.png
White Noise · Mimesis · Kheparia · Gaiaeon

Minor Characters
v·d·e Trolls
Phoene Pegmin Yarina Mammon Tafner Neeris Gamaun
Resolve.png Yeshin Laevis Shiopa Atshor Calcine.png Cinare Montor Ashes.png Valtel Gurtea
Ounce.png Lutzia Cullex Silver.png The Annalist Silver.png Sova Amalie Acid.png Racren Innali
Metal.png Cepros Xirong Nocent Bystan
Manila Folder Mecera Koniga Spirit.pngVyrmis Sturra Glass.png Talald Hieron
Phosphorus.png The Fomenter Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Caduceus.png Rodere Garnie
Arsenic.png Husske Mayzee Hemiot Septem Bakhas Borwik Ruveit
Lye.png Degner Veibod
Sand Sigil.png Mshiri Libeta Medjed Sapkha Culium Ahlina Robiad
Vinegar.png Vellia Tin.png Mosura Briati
(The Supernova)
Tin.png Jentha Briati Borax.png Lipsen Fluxum
Cuprum Arsenicatum.png Hayyan Refero Reverberation.png Sabine Berare Margol Ohotka Notrel Evantt
Sahvel Pohors Urodea Svarov Filter.png Sirage Feltri Soap.png Mekris
Copper.png Cyprim Shukra
(The Exemplar)
Copper.png Albion Shukra Pascal Linole Pomace
Dissolve.png Aumtzi Maught Vitriol.png Raurou Dersal Tenemi Tenbra
Herb.png Gerbat Batrav Cepora Distill.png Glomer Hicner Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix
Quintessence transparent.png Dionys Barnum Calx.png The Principal
Femmis Gverdi Digest.png Turnin Kaikai Qetish Gold.png Serpaz Helilo
Retort.png Helica Alembi Talc.png Arcamu Iopara
(The Commandant)
Talc.png Secily Iopara Alcest Sedokl
Electrum.png Crytum Lydian Aislin Crucible.png Cadlys Rankor
Kimosh Kumora Take.png Bytcon Krypto Zinc.png The Jagerman Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
Death.png Necron Exmort Iderra
Nickel.png Divino Nikola The Bravura Gascon Koldan
(The Bravura)
Iron Pyrite.png Rypite Koldan Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad
Dexous Soot.png Pramen Kasazh
Clay.png Cretas Mglina Roxett Esclur Gingou Disone Keiksi Ezlilu
Steel.png Nezrui Rigida Fusion.png Seinru Narako Platinum.png Fortmistress Deadlock Platinum.png Tazsia Poemme
Ammonia.png Endari Vernir Sublimation.png Clarud Enthal
(The Executive)
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Hot Fire.png Vilcus Cendum
Purification.png The Holistic Blight Purification.png Edolon Vryche Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Neilna Uldiaz
Iron.pngCaesar Consceleratus Persolus Iron.pngCalder Kerian Brass.png Oricka Rourst Lead.png Acerigger Switchem
Lead.png Murrit Turkin
Special / Unknown
Magnesium.png Thesal Voorat
(The Unknown/The Forgiven)
Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Mercury.png Zekura Raines
(The Vivifier)
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines
Corpus Black.png Weird Al