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Lusus naturae, also referred to as custodians, are the [[Troll]] equivalents to a [ Guardian]. They look after the young trolls, fulfilling the role that the trolls ancestors could not. The job of a lusus is to take care of a troll in a parental sense. Lusii are either naturally occurring, or artificially reduplicated by Corporate. Artificial lusii often take on more of the traditional caretaker role, while a relationship with a natural lusus tends to be more symbiotic in nature.  
'''''Lusus naturae''''', (shorthand '''Lusus''', plural '''Lusii''', also referred to as custodians), are animals who look after young [[troll]]s, fulfilling the role of a typical parental figure. Lusii are either naturally occurring, or artificially reduplicated by [[Repiton Corporation|Corporate]]. Artificial lusii often take on more of the traditional caretaker role, while a relationship with a natural lusus tends to be more symbiotic in nature.  

Lusii are naturally blackblooded, changing to match the [[Hemospectrum|blood color]] of their charge after a bond is formed. A lusus' eyes fill in with this color as well.  
Lusii are naturally blackblooded, changing to match the [[Hemospectrum|blood color]] of their charge after a bond is formed. A lusus' eyes fill in with this color as well.  

== Cooperi ==
== Aspect Holder Lusii ==
First Appearance {{VE|900}}

[[Sovara Amalie|Sova's]] lusus.  She is an owl-like creature that Sova has as a custodian. She doesn't live inside of her hive due to her size.[[File:Sovara Lusus.png|thumb|220x220px|none]]
[[File:Sovara Lusus.png|250x250px|thumb|left|Cooperi attacking.]]
=== Cooperi ===
{{VE|900|First Appearance}}

== Skulltitan lusus ==
'''Cooperi''', also called '''Coop''', is [[Sovara Amalie|Sova's]] lusus. Cooperi is part of the Stryx family, a type of owl-like lusii valued for their feathers. Cooperi could be seen helping in defeating homunculi before Sova entered the [[Medium]]. Cooperi was left behind on [[Repiton]] as she couldn't fit through the entry portal. Despite this, Sova has promised Cooperi they'll see each other again.
First Appearance {{VE|140}}

[[Dismas Mersiv|Dismas']] lusus. Dismas frequently gets into fights with his abusive guardian. This lusus is strong enough to leave notable scars on his charge. It is implied that the Skulltitan kidnapped Dismas when he was young, forcing him to mine for radioactive ore to feed him.
{{-}}[[File:Page1971.png|180x180px|thumb|right|Skulltitans below Repiton's crust.]]
[[File:Dismas_Lusus.png|250x250px|thumb|left|Dismas' lusus.]]
=== Skulltitan lusus ===
{{VE|140|First Appearance}}

He was ripped apart by [[Weird Al]] after being possessed by the [[Forcas|Denizen of Mind]] to activate Dismas' portal.
[[Dismas Mersiv|Dismas']] lusus. An abusive Skulltitan lusus whom Dismas frequently gets into fights with. This lusus is strong enough to leave notable scars on his charge. He kidnapped Dismas when he was young, and forced him to mine for radioactive ore to feed him.

Awakened from below Repiton's crust by [[Jentha Briati|Jentha's]] nuclear energy, this lusus was the runt of his litter. As the lusus fed off of the nuclear energy to be more strong, he was sent to the dunes alongside Dismas using [[Alchemy|Space alchemy]]. While the lusus was supposed to be put down (if when found, a lusus bond with Dismas hasn't formed), due to the fact both of them were never found, he managed to survive.
== Oppossum lusus ==
First Appearance {{VE|5}}

[[Arcjec Voorat|Arcjec's]] lusus.
He was ripped apart by [[Weird Al]] after being possessed by the [[Forcas|Denizen of Mind]] in order to activate Dismas' portal.

As a species, Skulltitans are large lizard-like lusii and similar to the pop culture icon [ Godzilla] by size and abilities. The lusii seem to carry significance in culture on Repiton, being mentioned as early as {{VE|8|page 8}} as a comparison of a large, destructive creature and {{VE|113|having several movies and merchandise based off of them}}. They're hard to kill without any proper technology. As seen through Dismas' lusus, they also appear to be capable of regenerating their tails if chopped off in some way.
== Chimera lusus ==
First Appearance {{VE|335}}

[[Ellsee Raines|Ellsee]] and [[Zekura Raines|Zekura's]] lusus.
{{-}}[[File:Arcjec_Lusus.png|250px|thumb|left|Arcjec's lusus, agitated.]]

Presumably alive since Zekura was, as they were in the shadows while [[Clarud Enthal|The Executive]] was walking through his hometown{{VE|1368}}.
=== Opossum lusus ===
{{VE|5|First Appearance}}

[[Arcjec Voorat|Arcjec's]] lusus. Much isn't known about him. When [[Ellsee]] visits Arcjec's destroyed hive, she finds the opossum lusus, devastated and worried about Arcjec.

== Star Guardian ==
{{-}}[[File:Jentha lusus.png|180px|thumb|left|Jentha's lusus first meeting her.]]
First Appearance {{VE|107}}
[[File:Metamorphier Cocoon.png|thumb|right|180px|A cocooned metamorphier on a building.]]
=== Metamorphier lusus ===
{{VE|2049|First Appearance}}

[[Albion Shukra|Albion's]] lusus. Presumably given only to the Star Children.
[[Jentha Briati|Jentha's]] lusus. A large caterpillar-like creature that is exceptionally long. They spun themself a cocoon shortly after meeting Jentha, and have not emerged since.

[[File:Starchildren floating.png|none|thumb|220x220px]]
It's said that the evolution of Metamorphiers depends on what their ward requires, breaking from their cocoon when they're deemed needed. It's not clear how accurate this is to the species.
== Lefty ==
First Appearance {{VE|419}}

[[Serpaz Helilo|Serpaz's]] lusus. She has the abilities to suck negative emotions out of Serpaz.
{{-}}[[File:Ellsee_Lusus.png|250px|thumb|left|Chimera lusus.]]
=== Chimeraparent ===
{{VE|335|First Appearance}}

A Compecado lusus dissolved into doom essence after being sacrificed by [[Weird Al]] to activate [[Edolon Vryche|Edolon]]'s doom powers.[[File:Serpaz Lusus.png|thumb|182x182px|none]]
'''Chimeraparent''' is [[Ellsee Raines|Ellsee's]] and [[Zekura Raines|Zekura's]] lusus. While called Chimeraparent as a singular being, they are a chimera lusus with multiple heads and are called by the plural term of lusii. The leonine head is named '''Ari''', the gazelle head is named '''Ayala''', and the serpent head is named '''Nachash'''.  

== Canine lusus ==
Chimeraparent is one of the few lusii who are known to be able to speak, with each head having a different [[Typing Quirk|typing style]] in their speech dialogue. Ari's dialogue is proper usage of uppercase letters and always ends lines with a period, Ayala's dialogue is full lowercase always ending in exclamation marks and Nachash's dialogue is proper uppercase letters with each sentence ending in a line of periods.
First Appearance {{VE|200}}

[[Laivan Ferroo|Laivan's]] lusus. Entered the Medium with his charge.
Presumably alive since Zekura was, as they were in the shadows while [[Clarud Enthal|The Executive]] was walking through his hometown.{{VE|1368}}

{{-}}[[File:Albion lusus.png|220px|thumb|left|Guardianspirit.]]
== Ouworm lusus ==
=== Guardianspirit ===
First Appearance {{VE|907}}
{{VE|107|First Appearance}}

[[Occeus Coliad|Occeus']] lusus.
'''Guardianspirit''', also referred to as the '''Star Guardian''', was [[Albion Shukra|Albion's]] lusus. Presumably given only to the Star Children, and only able to manifest in the [[Cell]].

[[File:Occeus Lusus.png|thumb|220x220px|none]]{{-}}
Guardianspirit is one of the few lusii who are known to be able to speak. Their [[Typing Quirk|typing style]] in dialogue is full lowercase letters with asterisks: six asterisks before a line and five asterisks with a dash at the end of one.
== Minkmom ==
First Appearance {{VE|70}}

[[Tazsia Poemme|Taz's]] lusus. She was devoured by the mutated Lusii of the Black Depths, revealing Taz's entry codes.
After fulfilling their promise to [[Cyprim Shukra|Cyprim]] -- deceiving Albion in order to unlock her rage -- they faded away entirely.

{{-}}[[File:Serpaz Lusus.png|200px|thumb|left|Lefty greeting Serpaz.]]
=== Lefty ===
{{VE|419|First Appearance}}

== Neomacrodon Lusus ==
'''Lefty''' was [[Serpaz Helilo|Serpaz's]] lusus, a Compecado lusus with the ability to suck negative emotions out of Serpaz.
First Appearance {{VE|676}}

[[Murrit Turkin|Murrit's]] lusus. He dies for an unknown reason.  
She was dissolved into doom essence after being sacrificed by [[Weird Al]] to activate [[Edolon Vryche|Edolon's]] [[Alchemy|Doom powers]].

We see multiple Compecado lusii as {{VE|1085|Edolon leads Lefty to Weird Al}}, meaning the species as a whole carried meaning to activate the Doom abilities.

== Anglerfish Lusus ==
A pack of wild Compecado lusii can be seen in {{VE|1000|2=[S] Ellsee: Enter.}} during Ellsee's entry as she entered the Northern Wastes, revealing themselves from behind piles of snow to swarm her.
First Appearance {{VE|495}}

[[Calder Kerian|Calder's]] lusus.{{-}}
{{-}}[[File:Laivan_Lusus.png|200px|thumb|left|Laivan's lusus, Mutt.]]
=== Mutt ===
{{VE|200|First Appearance}}

'''Mutt''' is [[Laivan Ferroo|Laivan's]] lusus and is the only artificial lusus out of the main cast. Mutt entered the [[Medium]] with Laivan.
{{-}}[[File:Occeus Lusus.png|250px|thumb|left|Occeus' Ouworm lusus.]]
=== Ouworm lusus ===
{{VE|907|First Appearance}}
[[Occeus Coliad|Occeus']] lusus.
{{-}}[[File:Tazsia_Lusus.png|250px|thumb|left|Taz's Minkmom.]]
=== Minkmom ===
{{VE|70|First Appearance}}
'''Minkmom''' was [[Tazsia Poemme|Taz's]] lusus. The two seem to have had a somewhat testy relationship.
She was devoured by the mutated Lusii of the Black Depths, revealing Taz's entry codes.
{{-}}[[File:Murrit lusus.png|250px|thumb|left|Murrit's lusus on his deathbed.]]
=== Neomacrodon Lusus ===
{{VE|676|First Appearance}}
[[Murrit Turkin|Murrit's]] lusus. He suddenly dies for an unknown reason.
Murrit and her lusus never had a close bond as a troll and their lusus usually do, to the point it's described Murrit doesn't {{VE quote|wn|feel a deep sense of parental loss}} upon her lusus dying. The cause of death isn't known, but he's noted to have reached the surface {{VE quote|wn|already frail and wounded}} and his unresponsiveness possibly being a cause of {{VE quote|wn|the chemicals in the water [having] turned his brain into mush}}. He was also the last neomacrodon to exist, with his death causing the complete extinction of the species.
In the past, neomacrodons thrived as a species. They were {{VE|678|a major threat to skulltitans}}.
{{-}}[[File:Calder lusus.png|250x250px|thumb|left|Calder's lusus.]]
=== Anglerfish Lusus ===
{{VE|495|First Appearance}}
[[Calder Kerian|Calder's]] lusus.
It is implied that Calder first bonded with a male anglerfish lusus; when it went on to mate, it attached itself to the body of a female anglerfish lusus, as per the parabiotic reproductive process of some anglerfish species. The female anglerfish now acts as Calder's surrogate lusus. <ref></ref>
== Other Lusii ==
== Other Lusii ==

== Lusus Gallery ==
=== Crocodile Lusus ===
[[Yeshin|Yeshin's]] lusus. They are implied to have an abusive relationship with their charge, since they are responsible for Yeshin's limp.
[[File:MargolsLusus.png|thumb|right|150px|Margol's lusus on his shoulders.]]
=== Ferret Lusus ===
[[Margol Ohotka|Margol's]] lusus. Margol met him after saving her from a venomous snake. Margol's lusus attacked [[Mecera Koniga|Mecera]] after Margol was affected by Mecera's [[Hemospectrum#Biological_Aspects|survival ability]] of venom nails and promptly dying. After Margol's death, the ferret lusus was taken care of by [[Gerbat Batrav|Gerbat]].
{{-}}[[File:MeceraKoniga.png|thumb|right|110px|Mecera and her lusus.]]
=== Hornet Lusus ===
[[Mecera Koniga|Mecera's]] lusus. It might be able to produce some kind of substance, as the only time we see this lusus is when Mecera stirs some goop in a pot.
=== Hummingbird Moth Lusus ===
[[Secily|Secily's]] lusus. YVES' design is based on them.
=== Moose Lusus ===
[[Gerbat Batrav|Gerbat's]] lusus. It was previously the lusus of [[Alcest Sedokl|Alcest]], but after his passing, went on to take care of Gerbat instead.
{{-}}[[File:Lutzia-lusus-pupated.png|thumb|left|125px|A fully pupated mosquito lusus.]]
[[File:MosquitoLarvaeLusus.png|thumb|right|150px|A mosquito lusus in it's larval state.]]
=== Mosquito Lusus ===
[[Lutzia|Lutzia's]] lusus. They spend most of Lutzia's earlier life in a larval state, only pupating when Lutzia is about to enter adulthood. After their pupation, they are tall and strong enough to allow Lutzia to fly with them.
A similar mosquito lusus can be seen in {{VE|2190|2=&#91;S&#93; Murrit: REW/FFD.}} during [[Murrit Turkin#Alt!Murrit|Alt!Murrit's]] segment.
=== Ox Lusus ===
[[Sahvel Pohors|Sahvel's]] lusus. It helped out on the village set in ''[[Thaumatrope|Thaumatrope: Haustoria]]'' with carrying materials before passing away.
=== Platycat ===
[[Crytum|Crytum's]] lusus. Crytum didn't have a lusus growing up, but got Platycat as an emotional support lusus after moving to [[Stronghold 21]].
[[File:RoManWithSirage.png|thumb|right|160px|Ro-Man holding Sirage.]]
=== Ro-Man ===
'''Ro-Man''' is [[Rypite Koldan|Rypite's]] lusus. He is a lusus who appears in ''[[Thaumatrope]]'', and is based on [ Ro-Man Extension XJ-2]. Ro-Man was an actor and film star before being a lusus. Wether Ro-Man is a biological creature or an animatronic of sorts isn't clear.
=== Sheep Lusii ===
[[Pramen Kasazh|Pramen's]] lusii. These lusii are a unique case of multiple lusii of the same species acting as a group of custodians for one troll. They seem to be rather clueless, eating anything they can latch their teeth onto.
[[File:SilkwormLusus.png|thumb|right|150px|Kimosh using it's Silkworm lusus' silk for craft.]]
=== Silkworm Lusus ===
[[Kimosh Kumora|Kimosh's]] lusus. It's seen being able to produce some sort of silk or string suitable for sewing and embroidery.
=== Snail Lusus ===
[[Helica Alembi|Helica's]] lusus. It's implied that the slime Helica sells was made by her lusus in some way. The lusus was discovered to be dead at the end of ''[[Thaumatrope|Thaumatrope: Haustoria]]''.
[[File:SphinxLusus.png|thumb|right|135px|Sirage's Sphinx lusus with Rypite.]]
=== Sphinx Lusus ===
[[Sirage Feltri|Sirage's]] lusus. It shows little to no care for Sirage, such as leaving for prolonged periods of time and often gets in the way of Sirage within her hive.
== Gallery ==
== References ==
<references />
{{Navbox Vast Error Characters}}
{{Navbox Vast Error Characters}}
[[Category:Vast Error characters]]
[[Category:Vast Error characters]]

Latest revision as of 22:44, 14 March 2025

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This page has missing content or no content at all! Beef it up with some information before it is lost to the void.

Lusus naturae, (shorthand Lusus, plural Lusii, also referred to as custodians), are animals who look after young trolls, fulfilling the role of a typical parental figure. Lusii are either naturally occurring, or artificially reduplicated by Corporate. Artificial lusii often take on more of the traditional caretaker role, while a relationship with a natural lusus tends to be more symbiotic in nature.

Lusii are naturally blackblooded, changing to match the blood color of their charge after a bond is formed. A lusus' eyes fill in with this color as well.

Aspect Holder Lusii

Cooperi attacking.


First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Cooperi, also called Coop, is Sova's lusus. Cooperi is part of the Stryx family, a type of owl-like lusii valued for their feathers. Cooperi could be seen helping in defeating homunculi before Sova entered the Medium. Cooperi was left behind on Repiton as she couldn't fit through the entry portal. Despite this, Sova has promised Cooperi they'll see each other again.

Skulltitans below Repiton's crust.
Dismas' lusus.

Skulltitan lusus

First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Dismas' lusus. An abusive Skulltitan lusus whom Dismas frequently gets into fights with. This lusus is strong enough to leave notable scars on his charge. He kidnapped Dismas when he was young, and forced him to mine for radioactive ore to feed him.

Awakened from below Repiton's crust by Jentha's nuclear energy, this lusus was the runt of his litter. As the lusus fed off of the nuclear energy to be more strong, he was sent to the dunes alongside Dismas using Space alchemy. While the lusus was supposed to be put down (if when found, a lusus bond with Dismas hasn't formed), due to the fact both of them were never found, he managed to survive.

He was ripped apart by Weird Al after being possessed by the Denizen of Mind in order to activate Dismas' portal.

As a species, Skulltitans are large lizard-like lusii and similar to the pop culture icon Godzilla by size and abilities. The lusii seem to carry significance in culture on Repiton, being mentioned as early as page 8 DCRC icon.png as a comparison of a large, destructive creature and having several movies and merchandise based off of them DCRC icon.png. They're hard to kill without any proper technology. As seen through Dismas' lusus, they also appear to be capable of regenerating their tails if chopped off in some way.

Arcjec's lusus, agitated.

Opossum lusus

First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Arcjec's lusus. Much isn't known about him. When Ellsee visits Arcjec's destroyed hive, she finds the opossum lusus, devastated and worried about Arcjec.

Jentha's lusus first meeting her.
A cocooned metamorphier on a building.

Metamorphier lusus

First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Jentha's lusus. A large caterpillar-like creature that is exceptionally long. They spun themself a cocoon shortly after meeting Jentha, and have not emerged since.

It's said that the evolution of Metamorphiers depends on what their ward requires, breaking from their cocoon when they're deemed needed. It's not clear how accurate this is to the species.

Chimera lusus.


First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Chimeraparent is Ellsee's and Zekura's lusus. While called Chimeraparent as a singular being, they are a chimera lusus with multiple heads and are called by the plural term of lusii. The leonine head is named Ari, the gazelle head is named Ayala, and the serpent head is named Nachash.

Chimeraparent is one of the few lusii who are known to be able to speak, with each head having a different typing style in their speech dialogue. Ari's dialogue is proper usage of uppercase letters and always ends lines with a period, Ayala's dialogue is full lowercase always ending in exclamation marks and Nachash's dialogue is proper uppercase letters with each sentence ending in a line of periods.

Presumably alive since Zekura was, as they were in the shadows while The Executive was walking through his hometown. DCRC icon.png



First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Guardianspirit, also referred to as the Star Guardian, was Albion's lusus. Presumably given only to the Star Children, and only able to manifest in the Cell.

Guardianspirit is one of the few lusii who are known to be able to speak. Their typing style in dialogue is full lowercase letters with asterisks: six asterisks before a line and five asterisks with a dash at the end of one.

After fulfilling their promise to Cyprim -- deceiving Albion in order to unlock her rage -- they faded away entirely.

Lefty greeting Serpaz.


First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Lefty was Serpaz's lusus, a Compecado lusus with the ability to suck negative emotions out of Serpaz.

She was dissolved into doom essence after being sacrificed by Weird Al to activate Edolon's Doom powers.

We see multiple Compecado lusii as Edolon leads Lefty to Weird Al DCRC icon.png, meaning the species as a whole carried meaning to activate the Doom abilities.

A pack of wild Compecado lusii can be seen in [S] Ellsee: Enter. DCRC icon.png during Ellsee's entry as she entered the Northern Wastes, revealing themselves from behind piles of snow to swarm her.

Laivan's lusus, Mutt.


First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Mutt is Laivan's lusus and is the only artificial lusus out of the main cast. Mutt entered the Medium with Laivan.

Occeus' Ouworm lusus.

Ouworm lusus

First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Occeus' lusus.

Taz's Minkmom.


First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Minkmom was Taz's lusus. The two seem to have had a somewhat testy relationship.

She was devoured by the mutated Lusii of the Black Depths, revealing Taz's entry codes.

Murrit's lusus on his deathbed.

Neomacrodon Lusus

First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Murrit's lusus. He suddenly dies for an unknown reason.

Murrit and her lusus never had a close bond as a troll and their lusus usually do, to the point it's described Murrit doesn't feel a deep sense of parental loss upon her lusus dying. The cause of death isn't known, but he's noted to have reached the surface already frail and wounded and his unresponsiveness possibly being a cause of the chemicals in the water [having] turned his brain into mush. He was also the last neomacrodon to exist, with his death causing the complete extinction of the species.

In the past, neomacrodons thrived as a species. They were a major threat to skulltitans DCRC icon.png.

Calder's lusus.

Anglerfish Lusus

First Appearance DCRC icon.png

Calder's lusus.

It is implied that Calder first bonded with a male anglerfish lusus; when it went on to mate, it attached itself to the body of a female anglerfish lusus, as per the parabiotic reproductive process of some anglerfish species. The female anglerfish now acts as Calder's surrogate lusus. [1]

Other Lusii

Crocodile Lusus

Yeshin's lusus. They are implied to have an abusive relationship with their charge, since they are responsible for Yeshin's limp.

Margol's lusus on his shoulders.

Ferret Lusus

Margol's lusus. Margol met him after saving her from a venomous snake. Margol's lusus attacked Mecera after Margol was affected by Mecera's survival ability of venom nails and promptly dying. After Margol's death, the ferret lusus was taken care of by Gerbat.

Mecera and her lusus.

Hornet Lusus

Mecera's lusus. It might be able to produce some kind of substance, as the only time we see this lusus is when Mecera stirs some goop in a pot.

Hummingbird Moth Lusus

Secily's lusus. YVES' design is based on them.


Moose Lusus

Gerbat's lusus. It was previously the lusus of Alcest, but after his passing, went on to take care of Gerbat instead.

A fully pupated mosquito lusus.
A mosquito lusus in it's larval state.

Mosquito Lusus

Lutzia's lusus. They spend most of Lutzia's earlier life in a larval state, only pupating when Lutzia is about to enter adulthood. After their pupation, they are tall and strong enough to allow Lutzia to fly with them. A similar mosquito lusus can be seen in [S] Murrit: REW/FFD. DCRC icon.png during Alt!Murrit's segment.


Ox Lusus

Sahvel's lusus. It helped out on the village set in Thaumatrope: Haustoria with carrying materials before passing away.


Crytum's lusus. Crytum didn't have a lusus growing up, but got Platycat as an emotional support lusus after moving to Stronghold 21.

Ro-Man holding Sirage.


Ro-Man is Rypite's lusus. He is a lusus who appears in Thaumatrope, and is based on Ro-Man Extension XJ-2. Ro-Man was an actor and film star before being a lusus. Wether Ro-Man is a biological creature or an animatronic of sorts isn't clear.


Sheep Lusii

Pramen's lusii. These lusii are a unique case of multiple lusii of the same species acting as a group of custodians for one troll. They seem to be rather clueless, eating anything they can latch their teeth onto.

Kimosh using it's Silkworm lusus' silk for craft.

Silkworm Lusus

Kimosh's lusus. It's seen being able to produce some sort of silk or string suitable for sewing and embroidery.


Snail Lusus

Helica's lusus. It's implied that the slime Helica sells was made by her lusus in some way. The lusus was discovered to be dead at the end of Thaumatrope: Haustoria.

Sirage's Sphinx lusus with Rypite.

Sphinx Lusus

Sirage's lusus. It shows little to no care for Sirage, such as leaving for prolonged periods of time and often gets in the way of Sirage within her hive.



v·d·e Vast Error Characters
Page of Heart Heart.png Rogue of Mind Mind.png Bard of Breath Breath.png Heir of Light Light.png
Silver.pngSova Amalie Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Tin.png Jentha Briati
sanguineAllegory [SA] gigantisDebilitation [GD] acerbicMorphosis [AM] furbishFacilitated [FF]
Mage of Life Life.png Seer of Hope Hope Outline.png Witch of Doom Doom.png Knight of Space Space Outline.png
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Copper.png Albion Shukra Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
existereOracle [EO] demiurgeQuantified [DQ] pliableDecadence [PD] windlessArtificer [WA]
Prince of Blood Blood.png Sylph of Rage Rage.png Thief of Time Time.png Maid of Void Void.png
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Platinum.png Taz Poemme Lead.png Murrit Turkin Iron.png Calder Kerian
macabreExude [ME] perniciousOverkill [PO] unclaspedKahuna [UK] grandioseSaturation [GS]
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix Acid.png Racren Innali Digest.png Turnin Kaikai
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Fusion.png Seinru Narako Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Glass.png Talald Hieron
Corpus Black.png Weird Al Hulk Hogan
Heart.png Jegudial Mind.png Forcas Breath.png Zehanpuryu Light.png Af
Life.png Lilith Hope Outline.png Bathkol Doom.png Sorush Space Outline.png Haniel
Blood.png Wormwood Rage.png Azbogah Time.png Gusion Void.png Procel
Scathing Sharper Defrauding Dealer
Hustle Bones Charmed Defalcator
Exonerated Executor
Ancestors · Lusus · Rogi

The Dead Shufflers Time.png
White Noise · Mimesis · Kheparia · Gaiaeon

Minor Characters