Serpaz's hive

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Serpaz's hive






Serpaz Helilo

Serpaz's hive is a building located within eyeshot of some sort of urban area, but with no other hives nearby. It is a relatively simple structure that bears some resemblance to a warehouse. It entirely shades of grey, with no tint to the windows, and is shaped like a cross. It was partly destroyed when Edolon summoned Horrorcore Demons, one of which attacked and partly destroyed a section of her hive.

Respiteblock[edit | edit source]

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Serpaz's room is cluttered with pieces of wood, wood shavings, bottles of glue, a first aid kit, a broken helmet, an accordion, and various boxes. There are also various woodworking and carpentry tools hanging on the wall, as well as a comedy master shrine containing posters of Serpaz's favorite comedians, including Jerry Seinfeld, John Mulaney, and Robin Williams. Additionally, she keeps a corporate-provided calendar which she uses to keep track of accomplishments and important dates.

Her computer desk resembles a workbench, and she has a purple computer chair. Her computer is a laptop shaped like Jerry Seinfeld, with his image on the back as well.

v·d·e Vast Error Locations
Sova's hive Dismas's hive Arcjec's hive Jentha's hive
Ellsee's hive Albion's hive Serpaz's hive Laivan's hive
Occeus's hive Taz's hive Murrit's hive Calder's hive
Player Planets
Land of Daze and Lattice Land of Labyrinth and Surge Land of Mirage and Monochrome Land of Tall Grass and Sunflowers
Land of Vigor and Tundra Land of Asteroids and Runes Land of Spiral and Fracture Land of Construct and Deluge
Land of Bane and Gargoyles Land of Growth and Gravity Land of Wave and Record Land of Murk and Quagmire
SkaiaProspitThe MediumDerse
Other locations
Frog Temple
The Cell
The Static