Pure Self

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Pure Selves are a function in The Game that allows a player to achieve a high level of mastery over their aspect based on their class, similar to God TieringGod Tiering in Homestuck. Rather than self-sacrifice, however, achieving this state is done through a process of self-actualization where a player must complete their Planet's quest and prove their worth to carry their aspect's power, upon which they will merge their soul with their Denizen, becoming the truest version of themself DCRC icon.png.

The powers of a Pure Self are different depending on the player's title, which also affects what their Pure Self outfit looks like; every combination of class and aspect has a different outfit, which are even further personalized based on the player themself.

In Vast Error, rather than conditional immortality, players receive a constant regenerative ability and can only be killed by wounding them to the point that they are rendered unrecognizable DCRC icon.png.

As of [S] Murrit: REW/FFD DCRC icon.png and the cover art for Magnum Opus, all Pure Self designs for the entire main cast have been shown and are displayed below.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Alt!Murrit Probability[edit | edit source]

Intermission 2 Side 1[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]