Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 2
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Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 2 is the fourteenth album, published on Bandcamp on September 12th, 2022. It can be found vast-error-vol-5-side-2 ♫.
Track List
- Blue songs are songs that you can only get from downloading the album.
- A "
" indicates a song used in-comic, and clicking the logo will link you to the page it was used on.
- Rejoice And Be Merry ♫ (4:52)
- by SplitSuns
- Kingdom Come ♫ (10:00)
- by Ash Taylor
- Ghost Writer (Extended) ♫ (8:09)
- by Cerulean, Vocals by CircleJourney, Lyrics by VeritasUnae
- The Hyperthetical ♫ (3:49)
- by Levc
- Solar Radiation ♫ (3:30)
- by votl
- Bizkantine Road ♫ (4:54)
- by Kal-la-kal-la
- Nightlife ♫ (2:33)
- by Rabooski
- Small But Knowing Jester ♫ (2:13)
- by sympolite
- Wonder Turner ♫ (2:57)
- by tirant
- Takedown ♫ (2:32)
- by dbnet
- Ritual Summoning ♫ (3:07)
- by Rainy
- Pink Champagne On Ice ♫ (3:55)
- by Cristata
- Iridescent Memories ♫ (4:21)
- by Cerulean
- The Girlboss Blues ♫ (2:42)
- by Ash Taylor
- Promises ♫ (5:09)
- by Cerulean
- INTERMISSION: Coda ♫ (0:51)
- by Teegarden
- Jettison (Redux) ♫ (6:40)
- by SplitSuns
- Stop The Drip ♫ (1:21)
- by Ucklin
- Skinless And Kinless ♫ (4:23)
- by Kal-la-kal-la
- In Thy Name ♫ (1:32)
- by bright0n
- The World's Heel ♫ (3:05)
- by gryotharian
- Idle Playthings (Mimis Music) ♫ (3:17)
- by Rom M
- Decon/Reconstruct ♫ (3:21)
- by dbnet
- Successor To The Storm ♫ (4:16)
- by SleeveAce22
- Loving This Life ♫ (2:47)
- by Cerulean and VeritasUnae
- Beyonder ♫ (2:25)
- by Kal-la-kal-la
- Administering Fist Aid (Please Hold Still) ♫ (2:06)
- by VeritasUnae
- Probable Cause ♫ (4:13)
- by Ash Taylor
- Fictionalized ♫ (6:22)
- by Cerulean
- corruptedcultist ♫ (6:03)
- by Rom M
- Perfection ♫ (4:44)
- by Rom M
- Gaiaeon (Outro) ♫ (1:50)
- The tracks Rejoice And Be Merry ♫ and Small But Knowing Jester ♫ are part of the Snowbound Blood soundtrack, but were released separately from the rest of the soundtrack album, just like a few other tracks.